Pastor Ron’s Sabbatical Plan
July 1 through August 18, 2024
“Find Rest in God’s Love”. (Psalm 62:1-2)
“Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him. Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.”
I will seek restoration by embracing God's love for me. I anticipate experiencing renewal in every aspect of my life: physically, emotionally, spiritually, and relationally. I'm excited to establish lasting, healthy practices that will sustain me in both ministry and life for the long haul. I look forward to the transformation that this gift of sabbath will bring!
“Sabbath is not simply the pause that refreshes, it is the pause that transforms”
~ Walter Brueggmann
Family Vacation at Fenwick Island, DE - 7/6 to 7/13
Cross-Country Driving Trip from PA to Colorado - 7/20 to 8/3
Church Security Conference Highlands Ranch, CO - 7/24 to 7/27
Long weekend trip to Cape May, NJ with Leslie
Spend intentional quiet times in nature connecting with God
Embrace some new spiritual disciplines that align with healthy rhythms
Developing consistent prayer practices
Meet more consistently with my Spiritual Direction Coach
Rhythms to Establish
Exercise - Intentionally being more active (walking, catching up on household chores)
Eating Healthy
Less screen time including TV
Embracing Rhythms of Work & Rest, From Sabbath to Sabbatical and Back Again (Ruth Haley Barton)
Re-read Soul Care (Rob Reiner)
John Mark Comers Podcasts
Pete Scazzero’s Sabbatical Podcasts
Worship Visits