Entering a whole new life stage in your 20's can be both exciting and a little daunting. New challenges and discoveries await! In the midst of all these new aspects to life, God wants to speak and reveal himself to you. What you would your life look like if you embraced his love and presence like never before? That's where we'd love to help you on this journey - to know that you are not alone, and you are deeply loved. 

Come join us as we seek to build a community that can transform a generation.

Core Environments:

Worship with us on Sunday mornings at either campus with the rest of the Daybreak family!

Connect in one of our Life Groups that meet on Wednesday nights at Pastor Ned's house

Serve wherever you feel led to serve. Be a blessing to someone in need. We have numerous ways you can contribute and share your gifts and passions with others on behalf of Jesus, whether on Sunday mornings or other times of the week.  

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