Mental Health Ministry

The statistics on Mental Health and Wellness tell us that either you or someone you care about deeply has or is struggling with some aspect of mental health & wellness. Jesus cares about this area of our lives, and the gospel declares many truths that can help us find healing, transformation, and the daily empowerment we need to sustain us. 

If you have experience (education and/or training) in working with mental health and would like to get involved, head to  to request info!

Each week to correlate with the sermon series topic, Daybreak is offering resources specific to the topic. Check back weekly for resources below:


Mental Health Affects:

  • how we FEEL
  • how we THINK
  • how we CHOOSE
  • how we ACT
  • impacted by OUR HISTORY

Statistics Snapshot

1 in 5 U.S. adults experience mental illness each year.

1 in 20 U.S. adults experience serious mental illness each year.

1 in 6 U.S. youth aged 6-17 experience a mental health disorder each year.

50% of all lifetime mental illness begins by age 14, and 75% by age 24.

Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among people aged 10-14.

Stats and infographic from National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI)

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and here at Daybreak, we care about you and mental health. Each week this month, we are going to try and shed some light on the negative stigma surrounding mental health.

5 Lies About Mental Health

Whether you or someone you know may be struggling with mental health, here are 5 lies about mental health and their truths that can help you break the stigma!

Lie #1:

"There's something wrong with you."

It’s easy to think you got the shaft in life, that you just got dealt a bad hand, or that there is something faulty with you. We often buy into shame or the belief that something is wrong with who we are. This often only further reinforces our struggles with mental health issues, leading to greater hopelessness. But we must remember that our identity does not lie in our status, emotions, achievements, or struggles, but in who God says we are. We are not defined by our struggles. We are defined by our identity as human beings made in the image of God. We are defined by the radical love Jesus has for us.

Lie #2:

"It's shameful to go to therapy or take medication."

The fields of psychology and medicine are gifts from God to us. When we are physically ill, we often have no qualms about going to the doctor. When we break a bone, we are quick to visit the emergency room to get help. So why is it often seen as taboo or a weakness when we seek help for our mental health? Be wary of those who over-spiritualize solutions to mental illness. God can heal through supernatural means, but He also provides help and healing through psychology and medicine. Even the Apostle Paul encouraged Timothy to seek a type of medication for his stomach ailment in wine (1 Timothy 5:23).

Lie #3:

"Mental health issues are random."

While psychologists aren’t fully in agreement on any one cause of mental health issues, many times these issues are developed as a result of painful or stressful experiences. When we start to understand what we have been through in life, we realized that our mental health issues weren’t random. These issues were developed as coping mechanisms to survive turbulent times of hardship. Our brains were literally rewired to manage the stresses and pain we experienced. Because of that, we continued to have similar responses to new stressful situations that came up.

Lie #4: 

"Triggers should always be avoided."

Mental health issues actually serve an important purpose in our life. In my life, anxiety serves some by attempting to protect them from feeling unsafe and rejected. Anxiety can be brought on in a moment by the thought of loss, failure, or embarrassment and spiral out of control. Depression can creep up after experiencing rejection from someone or feeling hopeless about life circumstances. We can find understanding as we identify the fears, stresses, and particular situations that trigger our struggles. We often have situations in life that trigger, or bring on, more intense mental health episodes. But we can experience transformation as we challenge those fears and lies we may be believing about what is true of us.

Lie #5:

"You'll never feel better."

As we work through extensive therapy to identify the triggers, understand and challenge the lies, and invite Jesus and others to be part of my healing journey these become mental health struggles become more minimal issues. Through many experiences with God and others we can now start to believe more and more the truth that we are accepted, not rejected.

We all face new experiences of challenging these triggers and lies, rather than throwing in the towel and letting the anxiety, depression, and obsessions run wild. As we make the conscious decision to wire out old patterns of thinking and respond to lies with truth, we can be transformed by the renewing of our minds, as Romans 12:2 says. We can create new default brain pathways of responding to stress, pain, and difficulties in life that allows life to get easier to handle.

Truths are by Ben Bennett, Director of The Resolution Movement


Mental Health Based Books

  • The Other Half of Church:

    Christian Community, Brain Science and Overcoming Spiritual Stagnation

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  • The Body Revelation: 

    Physical and Spiritual Practices to Metabolize Pain, Banish Shame, and Connect to God with Your Whole Self

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  • Anatomy of the Soul: 

    Surprising Connections Between Neurosciences and Spiritual Practices

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  • Changes that Heal:

    The Four Shifts That Make Everything Better

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  • The Soul of Shame:

    Retelling the Stories We Believe About Ourselves

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  • Breaking Free from Body Shame:

    Dare to Reclaim What God has Named Good

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  • The Body Keeps the Score:

    Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma

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  • The Soul of Desire:

    Discovering the Neuroscience of Longing, Beauty, and Community

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  • Identity Matters:

    Discovering Who We Are in Christ

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Mental Health Support Groups

Living Grace - Adult Mental Health Support Group

Living Grace is a group designed to provide healthy solutions for your heart and mind. Both scripture and science will give you a new perspective and practical tools. These will help you address the challenges that come with living with any mental health difficulty or disorder. 

Redefine Grace - Teen Mental Health Support Group 

Redefine follows a Christ-centered, whole-health approach. God uniquely created us and is partnering with us as we explore a journey towards experiencing the wholeness of life. Each chapter in the workbook weaves together spiritual truths, compelling facts, thought-provoking questions and empowering tools that are relevant to adolescents and young adults. Redefine provides real faith, real facts and real opportunities to love and care for our body, mind, and spirit as well as the relationships that flow from a balanced, whole-health lifestyle.

Theodyssey - contact Linnea Hollander (

Theodyssey is a messy, authentic process of sorting out who God is and who we are in Him, letting go of inadequate and distorted images of both Him and of us, in order to be conformed to the image of Jesus for the sake of others.

The Wellness Revelation

The Wellness Revelation will challenge you to get fit by seeking God first and foremost. God wants to free you from what weighs you down and keeps you from your God-given purpose. As part of your group experience, you will learn how to live well both physically and spiritually so that you are best equipped to love and serve others from a whole heart. The Wellness Revelation will change the way you love God, yourself, and others.

Emotionally Healthy Relationships

Ever struggle in your efforts to love others well? Consider joining us for Emotionally Healthy Relationships and learn practical skills that teach you to love and engage with others in a Christ-centered way. Through the group and a 40-day devotional, learn how to: gain communication skills, stop mind reading and clarify expectations, resolve conflict in a healthy and mature way, and discover how family history impacts your current relationships.

  • Mental Health Grace Alliance

****Offers online groups for individuals and for family members who are looking for additional support.

****Here are some online support groups for parents and caregivers who have a loved one struggling with a mental health challenge:


Mondays (biweekly), 6:30 pm CST (Texas)

Contact: Meg Trihus |

Mondays, 8 pm EDT (Georgia)

Contact: Linda Morgan |

Tuesdays (biweekly) 6:30 pm CST (Texas)

Contact: Kelly Kitch |

Sundays, 10:45 CST (Tennessee)

Contact: Scarlet McGlasson |


The Feeling Wheel

The inner wheel is created with six basic emotions; mad, scared, joyful, powerful, peaceful and sad. From these six, we can move further out to explore other emotions that may be underlying the more general feelings we may be experiencing. We can then move one more rung out to another six precise emotions. We can also cross over to the other side of the emotion wheel to see what emotion may help us move away from the one we are feeling. You can go to ‘The Gottman Institute’ webpage and print the wheel yourself or there is also an app that you can download for the wheel on your phone.

How to use the Feeling Wheel:

Feeling wheels are visual guides with no real start or endpoints. This means you can start where it makes sense to you. Some helpful tips for using the wheel include:

1. Identify the emotion closest to how you are feeling

Emotions closer to the center are more intense, core emotions are in the middle layer, and those furthest out are milder forms of emotions. Between each spoke on the wheel are combined emotions. Try to find the emotion that best describes how you are feeling at the moment.

2. Try to figure out the trigger

Emotions often don’t just occur out of nowhere. Often, something triggers or causes you to feel the way you do. It may not be a simple, single event either. But other times, figuring out the trigger may be easy.

3. Analyze connections

You may notice that some emotions you identify can lead to other emotions. For example, if you’re in a healthy romantic relationship you may experience emotions, such as trust and joy. This may lead to feelings of optimism, which falls between anticipation and joy on the feelings wheel.

4. Make changes or take other action

When you start to identify your emotions and triggers, you can start to figure out ways to take positive action. In the example of having a romantic partner, you may notice that you experience emotions connected with love because they make you feel safe.

But if you’ve been in unhealthy relationships in the past, this may cause you to worry about possible changes that can happen in the future of your relationship. Instead of avoiding the emotions you’re experiencing, it can help to honestly express how you feel with your partner when you’re ready.

In Christ Handout Resource

What does scripture and God say about YOU?

For the full handout click here!


Professional Counseling Ministries

Daybreak has partnered with a few ministries that can help you get the help and support you desire. Feel free to check out one from the list below!

  • In Him Christian Wellness

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  • Psychological Health Associates

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  • Sacred Ground Counseling

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  • Upturn Counseling

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Stephen Ministry

Do you know someone struggling & in need of emotional or spiritual care? Anyone, in our served communities, is eligible for this one-on-one care provided by our trained Stephen Ministers. Learn more at

Below are situations in which individuals could benefit from the emotional and spiritual care a Stephen Minister provides: 


Divorce or Broken Relationships 

Major Medical Diagnosis 

Job Related Crisis/Stress 

End of Life/Hospice 

Military Deployment 

Major Life Transitions 

Financial Difficulties 

Challenges related to starting or adding to a family 

Difficult Family Situations 

Spiritual Crisis

Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

If you or someone you know needs support now, call or text 988 or chat

For more info: click 988