2024 Food Drive

& Packing Party


Each week, New Hope Ministries provides over 1,000 bags of

food to students in need across the West Shore through their Backpack Food Program. As a church family, we’d love to sacrificially provide enough food to cover this hunger need on the West Shore for one week!


This year, we’re also partnering with ONE80 Ministries by collecting laundry detergent to serve the local homeless/addiction/recovery community. 


In addition to donating, we invite you to come connect and serve
with other Daybreakers as we pack items together on

SUNDAY, 3/3, 5:00 pm @ both campuses



Lead planning Team: Work behind the scenes to help us make the Packing Party event a success!

Set-Up Team: Come help set up for the Packing Party on Sunday, 3/3 from 12:00 to 2:00 PM.

Contact Laura for any addition questions and/or looking to help out: laura.sipala@daybreakweb.com

Bring donations any

Sunday, February 18 - March 3



1.  Bring  all the items on the Food List

2.  A few items in bulk from the list

3.  Grocery Store Gift Cards (drop in any offering box)