2024 Daybreak Student Ministry NYC Trip Blog

2024 DSM NYC Team

June 8, 2024

The team is off for NYC. Here are some ways to pray for the team this week...

  • Pray for safety as they travel
  • Pray for good health
  • Pray for team unity
  • Pray for the team to love each other and the people they are serving this week well.
  • Pray for each one to be open to however God wants to use them this week. 
  • Pray for each of them to draw closer in their relationships with Jesus.
  • Pray that all they do and say this week bring Glory to God!

June 9, 2024

Hello from the big apple! We still don't know why it's called that! We just finished up our second day here in NYC. After arrival on our first day we split into two teams and did a six hour long scavenger hunt all around the city. We got to try new foods like squid, durian fruit, and rambutan. One team also knows where to get the best cannolis in town. We also started lots of conversations with strangers, and convinced quite a few of them to do stuff with us. After the scavenger hunt Brian and Michelle took us out to have pizza at the location of the first alliance church. It was really good. We were all very tired by the end of the day.

Our second day began by heading over to central park where we sat together with Brian, Michelle, Jaque, and their two interns Naiomi and Cooper. We spent the morning sharing some of our testimonies. After we grabbed some lunch from the food trucks, we headed over to an African church. The service was held in French. It was really different but really cool to experience how another culture worshipped God. They really welcomed us. After having dinner back at Brian and Michelle's apartment we headed back to the hotel for the night. 

Tomorrow is our team fun day. We are looking forward to it but we are also really looking forward to Tuesday when we get the opportunity to start serving with Brian and Michelle in their ministry. Our team is getting closer everyday. The city is stretching us but we are finding a lot of cool moments too, like being able to use the subway to have conversations with the people around us. Thanks for all your prayers. We will try to write another update tomorrow!


Your NYC team

June 10, 2024


Today is our third day in New York! We started with a devotional over breakfast on the hotel patio. We learned about Sabbath and rest since today was our team day or Sabbath. Then, we took the subway and ferry over to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island where we explored some museums. After that, we waited in a loooong line for the ferry back to Battery Park. Our team enjoyed a laughter-filled dinner in Chinatown. Almost everyone tried new foods, and some people learned how to use chopsticks and say thank you in Mandarin too! Then, we walked a few streets over to Little Italy to Ferrara's, the best spot for gelato and other amazing Italian desserts. The sugar rush got us back to the hotel in time to debrief and affirm each other through a bead ceremony.

Today was also a big day of learning, even though we weren't doing direct service. First of all, trying new things is good! Some of the food at dinner looked different than we were used to, but it was good! Also, we learned about the immigration process through Ellis Island and through modern methods too. With so many different cultures coming together in New York, learning about immigration was really impactful because it gave us new eyes to understand and empathy to love people we haven't even met. In reflecting on this, we came to the conclusion that there are a lot of flaws in the immigration system that we can't do much about, but we can help to make sure the immigrants and refugees in our communities feel welcomed and loved by us. 

Lastly, we also learned the importance of rest. By taking a slower day, we are able to be rested and have a good heart posture going into our first official day of service tomorrow! We have been able to have so many cool conversations with strangers on the subway because that is where we are forced to slow down, so we are trying to remember to stay present and intentional in all environments. Now that we have spent some time getting adjusted to the city and learning about the communities here, we are excited to start officially serving tomorrow but would appreciate prayer for making strong connections with new people we are meeting and an increased willingness to go outside of our comfort zones to talk to new people in the first place. Until next time! 

Peace out, friends and family of the best DSM NYC team ever!!!!

June 11, 2024

Hello Dapper Daybreakers!

We've officially reached our fourth day on our New York missions trip. Once again, we began with a devotional on the hotel patio led by Amanda. We then visited Brian and Michelle's house where we had amazing chicken, but not before we played a few games and failed the citizenship test. Afterwards, we went to the prayer room worship and prayer experience at Brian and Michelle's church and discussed Philippians 2:1-11. We also encountered people evangelizing on the subway.

At this point the guys and girls split up; the girls taught ESL to West African ladies, and the guys went on a prayer walk. Through these, everyone served God joyfully and had very powerful experiences with the people we served. We then went to a Mexican Restaurant where we had amazing food (Taco Tuesday!!), and got very invested in a TV show playing in the restaurant that we couldn't understand at all. Once we got back to our hotel, we debriefed and played a round of Mafia as per Autumn's request.

Today was the first day in which we did service. It was super cool to not only see the impact that we were having on others, but also the impact that others were having on us. The first few days demonstrated the rough situation that many of those in New York are in, serving and being able to make an impact for the better demonstrates how God can work through a small team of people. We're excited to see how God works through us in the next few days of service here!

God bless,

The NYC Team

June 13, 2024

Yellow Daybreakers,

Today, we went to Brian and Michelle's to hear their testimonies and meet the three refuges, Hamedou, Harona, and Calidom. We had lunch with them and heard some of why they came to NYC. We then went to day two of the ESL class for the men. We got there early and were there for two hours. After the two hours of ESL class, the team along with Brian, Cooper, and Naiomi went to get food at Shake Shack. Tomorrow we are going back to Brian and Michelle's for the last time then we are all going to go to a mosque. We can't wait for tomorrow, not only for the activities we are doing tomorrow, we are also happy to see families again after not seeing them for a week.

Much love, 

Your DSM NYC Team.