2023 Ecuador Trip Blog

Unfortunately, due to some growing unrest happening in Quito, the capital city of Ecuador, our sending agency, Envision, made the decision to postpone our trip to Ecuador from 2022 to 2023. Our team of 10 is excited to finally get to serve from August 4-14, 2023!

2023 Ecuador Trip

The team is on their way to Ecuador!!!  After a year of postponing the trip they are finally off to serve at the Ninawachi Missions school.  They will be there from  August 4 - 14th. Be praying for them as they are away this week.  There are 3 things that the Staff and Students at the school pray for every morning.  They pray for Protection, for Guidance and for Revelation.  Be praying for them as they serve with open hands and hearts to what God wants to do in and through them this week.  Thanks for supporting the team!!   

Round Two

We are so thankful that God has made it possible for a team of Daybreakers to return to Ecuador this summer after last summer's postponement! The group of 10 of us who were commissioned Sunday, July 30th, have been meeting weekly, learning about how God can use us to spread His love in far away places. We have grown into a close group and we are all very excited to see what God has in store for us as we go!

We want to thank all of our families, prayer partners, financial supporters, and encouragers from all over! Your prayer and support has made this journey possible, and we are counting on your prayers as we start our final week of preparations prior to departure this Friday. Please know that we are carrying your love with us wherever we go.



Here's how you can pray for them:

  • Prayer that the team members will experience God's peace & presence as they prepare for trip, while they're in country and also upon their return.
  • Prayer that God will create a family-like unity among the team members.
  • Prayer that the team members will posture their hearts to allow God to work in them.
  • Prayer that God will strengthen the team members spiritually and physically.
  • Prayer that the team members will be expectant of God, but not have pre-determined expectations.
  • Prayer that God will continue to provide for all of the teams financial expenses.
  • Prayer that the team members will be reliant on the leading of the Holy Spirit.
  • Prayer that the team members will encounter God's love in a new way while humbly serving the people of Ecuador.
  • Prayer that God will protect the team members as they travel to & from Ecuador & while they're in country.
  • Prayer that God will walk closely along side the families of the team members while they are away. 

Here's how you can support the team financially:

By marking an offering envelope with "Ecuador Trip" or by giving online at TripGiving.db.church.

We've Arrived (8/5/23)

We made it to Quito, Ecuador safely late last night! Today, we will be traveling to the Ninawachi Missions School in Huaticocha. Please pray for safe travels.

Ninawachi Mission School

We arrived today at the Ninawachi Mission School which is located in Huaticocha, Ecuador. Ninawachi’s vision is to reach out to the forgotten and impoverished jungle communities of Latin America with the love of Christ.  Ninawachi’s mission is to train indigenous youth to be missionaries, send them out to the forgotten people throughout the jungle regions to make disciples in these communities and connect them to the body of Christ.

Ecuadorian Alliance Church (8/6/23)

Hola Daybreak!
Today, (Sunday) the team had the amazing opportunity to worship in an Ecuadorian Alliance church. We led worship, gave the sermon, and got to partake in communion with our Ecuadorian brothers and sisters in Christ. Worshiping Jesus in a completely different culture is always an exciting experience. After church, we were asked to help one of the church members move - of course we said yes! It was all hands on deck as we were able to bless this young man and his (9 months pregnant!) wife by not only moving all their things to a new house, but to also pray God’s blessing over their new home and family. Because Sunday is a rest day at Ninawachi, there were no ministry visits into the community today, so we were able to walk through the jungle, down to the river and swim for a bit. We even learned the difference between a banana tree and a plantain tree on our walk. Tomorrow, we will be visiting the elderly and running children’s programs in several of the surrounding communities. Pray that God’s hand will move through us. We can already see God working in the team, moving in hearts, and stretching us in new ways. Pray for more of that as we serve in the communities this week!!
Hasta pronto…. Ecuador team 2023

First Official Work Day (8/7/23)

Hola Daybreak, 

Happy Monday! Today was our first official work day. We started the morning by splitting into two groups and walking to town. We were able to visit and fellowship with some elderly residents. We were able to pray over the residents and one team was able to perform a foot washing. The team was able to help with some chores. In the afternoon, we again divided into groups to bring VBS to two different villages. One group hopped on a local bus to a neighboring town and the other rode by truck to a village 1.5 hours away. Both teams were able to show the love of Jesus to the children. We were able to play soccer, frisbee, blow bubble and draw with sidewalk chalk. The feeling of joy was evident by the smiles and laughter of the children…and Daybreakers. We were able to share the Parable of the Sower and share our “acting”. Finally , we were able to sing with and share a craft with the children. It was a busy day filled with joy. Thank you for your continued Prayer. 

-The Daybreak Team

Sharing the Gospel (8/8/23) 

Dear Daybreak Family,
This morning started with devotionals that were particularly moving as a Ninawachi leader encouraged us to bless those who we naturally might not but instead to seek out the outcast, just as Jesus would.  After a quick breakfast (con huevos), the team split into two teams. First team went to a local church to help with construction and the helpful digging of a trench (we learned some team members are better with a machete than others).  The remaining Daybreakers of the other team went to two homes in the community where they had the opportunity to pray for healing for a girl, whom they will continue to pray for. After reuniting for lunch, our team divided again, with three members riding on motorcycles (!!!) and hiking to a remote town to bring the Gospel story of the paralyzed man to children there.  A team member was also able to share her testimony that made a powerful impact on some of the parents—all to the glory of God! Elsewhere, the remaining team members went to a separate community to also minister to children.  They shared the parable of the sower and the seed, and were able to bless the children through games, crafts and lollipops. After we reconvened for dinner, both Daybreakers and the Ninawachi community celebrated the birthday of a Daybreak team member with cake, brownies, and a special Ecuadorian birthday song for the guest of honor. During this time, we also shared out how we’ve seen God move today. At the end of the day today, the Ecuador team got together in a circle to affirm one another as we do nightly. The mood was joyous because of the tangible ways  we’ve seen God move today in each and every team member, and the blessings that God has provided to our team through our experiences and interactions here at Ninawachi. God is indeed moving in powerful ways down in Ecuador, as both Daybreakers and Ninawachi community members continue to form connections and support each other in ministry, all to fulfill the command to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to all nations and communities. God has blessed our team and used our team to be a blessing, and each one of us can’t wait to see what fresh mercies God has for us tomorrow!
Also, the moon was amazing tonight. :)

Building Projects (8/9/23)

Hello Daybreak!

After our normal morning routine of worship and a devotional in the choza (hut) followed by breakfast, this morning we remained at Ninawachi to help the students and staff with various projects on campus. Some of us cleaned and organized storage areas as well as the tool shed, while others cleaned up some classroom spaces that haven’t been used in awhile. Others built a cinder block enclosure for a new generator that is being donated to the school by another church. This will help them greatly as electricity isn’t always reliable here. Another group helped to build a new door to the chicken coop. It was a very productive morning and we accomplished a ton, but it was the fellowship with each other and with the staff and students that was the highlight of the morning. After lunch, the team split into groups of two to do home visits in five different communities. Traveling by pickup truck, van, or even motorcycle, we accompanied the students who have already established relationships in each community. In contrast to our large-group VBS activities in big spaces with lots of kids, today’s experiences were much more intimate and allowed God to do some wonderful work through our team members. We can’t wait to tell you all about it when we get home! Following dinner, we returned to the choza for some worship songs in Spanish as well as in English (sometimes even at the same time), which is a magical thing to be a part of. We also heard particularly moving testimonies from one of our team members and one of the Ninawachi students. God’s work in assembling and preparing this team continues to be clear: He puts just the right people in just the right places at just the right time. We are so grateful for the opportunity to both encourage and be encouraged by the people here. The first clear night sky we’ve seen revealed the southern hemisphere’s stars (which cannot be seen from the northern hemisphere) in majestic fashion for us to enjoy on the walk back from the choza. Another amazing day in Ecuador. We covet your ongoing prayers for us. 


Interacting with the Youth (8/10/23)

“I have come that they might have life and have it to the full” John 10:10

Wow is our life ever full! We begin the day at 7AM at the worship center where songs, prayers and a devotional led by either a student, staff or one of us is given.  Then an overview of the day is laid out - remembering we must be flexible as things change quickly around these parts. Great way to begin the day. Thank you for your prayers for us - we need to love, speak, and work in Christ’s strength.

After breakfast we worked on the campus for the 2nd time this week. One group took machetes and did some much needed pruning to fruit and flowering trees. We were informed it has been long overdue. I can believe it with all the rain and sunshine they receive. Another group laid block for a 2nd day. Things went much smoother today as we learned yesterday how they lay block in Ecuador - very different from USA. The cinder blocks weigh less than 2 lbs.  Very sweaty morning as sunshine, high temps and high humidity ruled the day.

In the afternoon we all traveled to a town/village to minister to children. This is the first time this week we were all together ministering as a team. Very exciting. So the amazing thing to me, is after we arrive at the community center, where we are never announced - the children just seem to appear to see what is happening. For the opening we call “The Circus”, we play with the children using bubbles, jump rope, soccer balls, chalk, and soft bouncy balls. We enjoy being a bit crazy. We have a lot of fun and an atmosphere of acceptance is established. Coloring was next and each child received a box of crayons. We then acted out the parable of the sower. Our team has several members who are not afraid to act wild and crazy. This draws belly laughs from old and young alike. Such joy! Brian explained the story to the children - he taught in español - so proud of him. A craft was next and since our team was all together plus many mission students there too, we were able to have plenty of one on one time with each child. I have found that usually no more than a handful of children have ever heard of Jesus. Your prayers are working as the light of Christ shines in many dark places and faces. (The homes I have visited are very basic and many have just cut outs for windows and one had no back wall). Please continue with your prayers.

At 7PM, we gather again at the worship center (an outdoor area with a roof covering - very often have a fire in the middle and tonight popcorn was made to be passed around the circle. Worship songs sung by both Daybreak and Ninawachi students. Tonight Wilmer, a young mission student gave a very moving testimony. During his speaking, Kevin moved beside to encourage him. After he was done, Angie went over and prayed for him then we sang a song over Wilmer (Dancing on the Water song). Tom then gave his testimony. After Tom was done, he too went over to Wilmer to hold him. We sang Amazing Grace as Tom spoke of the impact of that song. Such Christ love and praise - so I hope you can experience such moments. Even typing this now, my eyes are moist  God is love.

Again we thank you for your prayers - they are our strength, our core for being the arms and feet of Jesus. Pray that light of Christ we share and the love of Christ we pour over and into adults and children and especially the students stays lit. I am so impressed with the students love for their fellow Ecuadorians. The calling they are following is most difficult, dangerous and very much God size. Pray for the students endurance and perseverance. 

Our Ecuador team ended the day around 10:30PM. Life is full - just the way we want it.

One final note: On the way home from ministry we stopped at a basketball court for an International game of basketball. it was decided the first team to 11 wins. The mission school students and staff are a young energetic bunch - their oldest player was 33 and most in their early 20s. And it showed - they had us 10-9 and we buckled up. Got the game tied and as they brought the ball up the court, Kasey stole the ball. As 3 students chased her down the court she still managed to make the game winning shot! Kasey - MVP and a big help from Kevin too. We are officially 1-0 in international play. Such fun and fellowship. A very tired Daybreak mission team too. We will see how sore we are in the morning.

Your support and prayers mean so much to us. I thank you and look forward to telling stories and hopefully sharing pictures after we return. But there is still much Christ to share here for now.

Love and think of you often.

Reflection (8/11/23)

Well, our time at Ninawachi is almost to a close. In devotional time this morning, almost as a way of looking back at the week, we were asked to pray in groups for any needs we may have seen over the week that could be met by us today. After much prayer, it was decided that there would be two groups sent out, one in each direction, to go to several houses that were discussed.

From the morning until early afternoon, we were able to revisit some families that needed food, prayer, and words of encouragement. There were even a few haircuts given.

In the afternoon, we were able to rest and reflect on our time here.

For dinner, we were invited to the choza (devotional pavilion), where we were surprised by a very special dinner, and Ninawachi staff and students dressed in traditional indigenous clothing. At the end of dinner, we learned a dance with the students, and then we all took some time to affirm one another - both Ninawachi team towards Daybreak, and vice versa. It was truly an incredibly special celebration at the end of a truly incredible week.

Tomorrow we leave, so this will be the last blog post for this trip! Please continue to pray for us as we head to Quito, and fly out on Sunday night. We can’t wait to see our Daybreak family again, and tell you all about God has done!

Shupunzhagama (pronounced SHOE poonzh you gama), which is Quechua for “see you later”!